We started our Saturday night off by breaking the law. We broke the law by ONE week. We're crazy aren't we?! No, we didn't drink and drive. No, we didn't rob a bank. We turned Garrett's car seat around! Garrett will turn one next Saturday. The Texas law is that a child must be 22 pounds AND one year of age before his/her car seat can be forward facing. There is no doubt that we can check 'over 22 pounds' off of Garrett's list and we are only a week away from Garrett turning one. Tonight just so happened to be the perfect night to switch out the car seats. Aaron was home, so the whole family would get to be in the car for Garrett's "first ride" facing the front. I didn't want Aaron to miss it, so we did it a little early! Just a little....
It seems so weird that he is facing the front now. I still seem him as a little baby.
Garrett loved it!!! He was kicking his feet and laughing, playing peek-a-boo, and cracking up at absolutely nothing!

Jackson was trying to play along with Garrett's craziness!

Marla and Geoff invited us over for dinner tonight and we had a great time! Marla even made Cupcake Bites (click the link) for dessert! They were the BEST!

Jackson is on a horse, so Parker and Garrett were pretending to ride a horse too by bouncing up and down.

Take 8:

Take 9: Jackson gives up on the little kids (mainly Garrett!). "Just take a picture of me..." How did he end up with Parker's bow?
Awww...these pictures are so cute! Garrett is growing up so much! He looks so happy :) Miss yall!
I totally agree about the group shot! Did I ever really think we would get them all 3 to sit down together and say "cheese!"??? Haha. But it sure was amusing! And cute!
Group shot+ Cupcake = we can dooo eeet!!!
Loved the post! hehehee especially the car seat adventure!
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