Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fort Jordan

If you have been reading my blog for over a year, you can probably recall our swing set story.
If not, here is a quick timeline and links to previous blog posts:

September 2008:  Our parents and Aaron and I bought the boys a swing set for Jackson's 2nd birthday.
Link:  Jackson's Birthday Party
August 2009:  Storm destroyed swing set.  (If you're doing the math, we had only had it for 11 months)
Link:  The Swings Swung....A little too High
Our house was actually about to be put on the market when this happened.
About a year or so prior to this, Aaron's dad, Randy, got a new boat.  He gave us his old one since we had space for it and with the intentions of Aaron being able to take the boys fishing on it.  Since both sets of the boys' grandparents live on the lake and own their own boat, the boat in our driveway was being ignored.  
With our house on the market and plans to move to a smaller lot, Aaron's parents were very gracious and told us to sell the boat and use that money to help with the cost of a new swing set for the boys once we were in our new house.
Link:  For Two Sweet Boys
We sold our house, moved to our new house which is in a neighborhood with a HOA.  Although many people have negative things to say about neighborhoods with a HOA, Aaron and I LOVE it!  That is a whole other let me get to my point without debating about a HOA!  :)

We had some rules we had to follow concerning structures in our backyard: 
  • Only one per lot. 
  • Roof pitch will be similar to that of the house.
  • Will not exceed 8 feet in height at ridge line of the roof.
  • Less than 80 square feet of floor space.
  • Visually harmonious with the house or fence to which it is most visually related or physically attached.
  • Shingles will match that of the house.
  • Not located in front yards or in unfenced portions of side yards facing streets.
The challenge:  Will not exceed 8 feet in height!  The shortest fort we could find was 11 feet.  We had to think outside of the box.  Even though the HOA Bylaws does discuss the roof requirements, it doesn't require a roof.  

We contacted a company that makes custom sets, Backyard Fun Factory, and they were able to make a fort that was 8 feet tall without a roof.  The HOA quickly approved it and we had the green light!  Who needs a roof anyways?!  A little sunshine won't hurt!   

Our backyard is small, so we also decided to do the space saver swing beam so it doesn't take up more yard space.  I am so glad we did this!  

If you look closely you will see some chalk on the wood.  The boys decided to decorate the fort with sidewalk chalk for "Garrett's birthday party" (his birthday is in March....??)  We haven't had a good rain to wash it off yet.

Oh Rigley.  Why do you continue to like the boys?  Although Rigley drives me insane at times, he is a trooper when it comes to the boys.
Jackson has a plan....

Rigley is kissing Jackson's hand......

Jackson found it funny.....

Rigley doesn't run inside to hide, instead he sits on the back porch and watches every move they make to make sure they are okay.   


  1. Great pictures! They are so photogenic!! The picture of the dog flying down the slide had me laughing out loud for sure!!

  2. This is hilarious!! Mostly, because our poor 60lb. lab has ended up going down the slide at the playground a time or two because Dylan coaxed her to get too close and then took off down the slide while holding the leash... Boys are so funny and creative! (not that girls aren't - they are just less mischievous, so it seems!)

    Oh! and I have someone on a mission to make Dylan his very own cape - I stole the idea! Every little boy needs their own cape!

  3. Great pictures! The boys do know have to have fun, don't they!? Rigley is such a good sport!

  4. Kelli- I just read your comment!!!! THAT IS SO CRAZY!!! Say hello next time now that we know-- I can't believe what a SMALL world it is!!
