Saturday, July 3, 2010

Homemade 4th of July Shirts.

I decided to let the boys make their own 4th of July shirts this year.  These shirts were so simple for them to make...thanks to a little masking tape!  I found this idea here:  The Family Scientista

Normally we do projects together, but since paint was involved I decided it may work out better if Jackson made his shirt while Garrett was still taking his nap (which allowed Jackson and I to have one on one time as well!) and then Garrett could do his when he woke up.  

I planned out the flag shirt using masking tape.  This made crisp lines when the tape was removed.....while the tape was on however, it just looked like a red painted mess.....
These next 2 pictures make me sad....well not sad, but make me say "awwwwwww."

Notice his eyes looking at his hand.  He is being careful and doesn't want the paint to run off of the tape and onto the sleeve.
But then he moves his hand {the hand with the finger that protected the shirt from the paint in the picture above} and sets it right on the sleeve.  This resulted in paint on the sleeve.  He didn't care, but looking at these pictures I can see that he did try to keep the sleeve white.
Looking kind of red...

After I removed the tape....
I knew Garrett would be a little more crazy with the paint, so I really prepared his shirt.  He got extra making tape and I taped the shirt to the towel....
Jackson said "Garrett really needs my help Mommy.  He doesn't know what to do since he is just a little guy." haha!
Luckily Garrett was in a serious, calm mood since he just woke up....
At this point he began to be a little rough with the paint brush.  
I had to put my camera down and show him how NOT to splatter paint.  

Now you all must wait a few days before you see them modeling their final product.  :) 

Happy 4th of July!


  1. I love this idea! I just bookmarked your page so I can remember to make them next year!

  2. what a great idea! U girls just amaze me at all of these craft projects you come up with! What educators you are! I just love it! Aunt "B"

  3. How cute!! What a great idea!! Maybe I can do this next year!!

  4. What a great idea!! And how fun to make their OWN shirt!
