Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend.

We spent the weekend at my parents' house with my mom & dad, my sister, Ricky, Harleigh, & Savannah, my Grandma, Aaron's brother Michael & his girlfriend Casie.  

Here is a snapshot of our fun weekend:

4th of July Cakeballs.....
For what it's worth, in my mind I pictured taking a picture of the boys together sitting in green grass with their arms around each other, while holding a little American flag...

But in reality, I couldn't get the 2 of them in that position.

Well maybe I could have if I REALLY tried, but sometimes I just don't have the energy.

So, this is what I got instead - 

I brought stuff to let Harleigh paint a shirt like the boys did.  She told me she knew she would be great at painting her shirt because she has been taking art classes since she was in kindergarten!  :)  
My dad & Savannah
My Family
My Family including my Grandma
(Grandma was "The Dog Whisperer" to Rigley all weekend)
My sister and Garrett
After eating lots and lots of chocolate covered strawberries - 
Jackson trying to make Savannah laugh -
Kid's Slumber Party -
Garrett with his Uncle Michael and Casie - 
Jackson was such a "BIG KID" in the lake.  Not a worry in the world....
He jumped off of the boat dock 1,462 times.....
Getting ready to jump - 
Garrett fell asleep -
Even Rigley went for a swim - 
Just hanging out with the guys.....
Fireworks and ice cream....


  1. Great pictures!! Savannah is getting so big!! Looks like ya'll had a great time!!

  2. Looks like y'all had such a fun weekend! Good idea with the shirts. They look great!

  3. Wow! Love all the pics! Looks like y'all had a blast this 4th!!!

  4. Wow what a fun weekend y'all had.
    hope you have a great week. I left you a blog award

  5. What a fun weekend! I love all of Jackson's facial expressions, he looks like he was having a blast! The ones of Garrett in the pool are so cute. I found myself laughing out loud at some of your comments. I felt like I could totally see what was happening! (The dog whisper was my favorite) Looks like a wonderful time at the lake! And I love the shirts - I will have to try that next year!

  6. Loved the pictures. Made me live the weekend all over again.

  7. What great pics! I love the one of all the kids on the porch! Looks like you all had a great time, thanks for sharing :)

  8. Kelli, Let me just say, Thank you for your blog!! It's a great place for all of us to keep up with what's going on, and to reminisce over good times we've shared. I love all the pictures and your descriptions! Are you sure Jackson jumped in 1,462 times?? I thought it was more like 1,463 times!
    We had such a good weekend!

  9. Kelli, your pictures capture such a special time, full of memories for you and your family. You always do such an awesome job. Thanks for always sharing.
