Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jackson’s Song about “Baby Girl.”

Before we knew if my sister and Ricky were having a boy or a girl, we would ask Jackson and Garrett, “Is Aunt M having a baby girl or a baby boy?”  Once we found out they were having a girl and her name was going to be Savannah, Jackson wasn’t happy.  #1:  He wanted it to be a baby boy.  #2:  He thought her name should Baby Girl and not Savannah
Jackson is learning to like the name Savannah (which he pronounces as “Sa-ban-na”).  This weekend I heard him singing a song about “Sa-ban-na” while he was playing.  He completely made this song up, as you will be able to hear.  :)  The words are not always the same and it is kind of hard to understand what he is saying since he makes up the words as he goes, but main line is “If baby girl is not Savannah, the baby girl will just be baby girl.”
I also like the part where I ask him to sing it again for us and he responds with “Who are y’all?” since he was really only singing it for me.