Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cupcake Cake Balls

My day morning, afternoon, and evening were spent in the kitchen.  Thankfully my sister wanted to come over one day this week to play with the boys, so I told her Thursday would be a great day!  She could entertain the boys, while I made cake balls. 

The 17 dozen cake balls are for a wedding in Austin this Saturday.  The wedding is not Christmas theme, but they are having a favor table filled with sweets for when the guests leave.  I think they are putting a sign on the table that says “And to all a good night….” Isn’t that cute?!     

121 130 131 132134And just when I sat down on the couch with my feet up, I got a call from my Dad who told me to give his neighbor a call.  He ordered 20 dozen to send to his customers at work.  So….back to the kitchen I go!  :)    


  1. Look good!! Your in business now!!!

  2. Those look dee-licious! And SO cute! Great job!

  3. Just think, if I wasn't there you would have been done a lot sooner since me and the boys kept taking "cake ball breaks!" By the way, your brother in law is LOVING you right now!!!

  4. Could I by chance get the recipe? They look delicious and almost too good to eat. Wonderful work and thanks in advance.

  5. They are so perfect!!! :O) How awesome!

  6. Could I by chance get your recipe for these. They look delicious! Thanks so much in advance.

  7. Those are sooo cute! They looke yummy and perfect!!
    Summer :0)

  8. Ok how do you do the cake balls? They look different than bakerella's, I like that it has the candy bottom and I need to know how you do it please!?!?!

