Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There isn't enough time in the day....

Give me some credit, I blogged A LOT last week. I feel like there are a 1,000 things to do in a day and I can't get caught up, which results in less blogging.

I have been working on websites for my parent's company www.rosenelectric.net and our irrigation company www.hydrogreenirrigation.com Don't judge Hydro Green's website yet. I am about to redo the whole format. I don't like the links to the side, because some people (my husband....) don't see them over there. It's pretty plain and simple right now....but I am working on it. We bought the domain name and I didn't have a clue what to do next. So, at least there is something.

Garrett is getting into everything so chores that used to take me 5 minutes now take me....well....pretty much all day. The potty training is time consuming just because it is an added task on my part. It was much more convenient when he could just pee in a diaper. He is doing well. He DOES NOT want to even wear a Pull Up for bedtime. He only wants underwear. He stays dry all night, but last night I had to explain to him that he has to go to the bathroom FIRST in the mornings BEFORE coming to Mommy and Daddy's room. When he comes to our room first, he has an accident before making it to the restroom. So, this morning I woke up to his little voice saying "LOOK MOM! JACKSON PEE PEE!" while he was holding the little bucket of pee. Nice huh!? He has his good days and he sometimes has bad moments. It basically depends on his mood. If he is hyper or in a grumpy mood, he tends to have an accident. Other than that, he does great!

The boys got a bubble machine for Christmas from Randy and Dianne, so last night we decided to try it out. We need to get new batteries for it, so it wasn't as powerful and bubbly as I think it is supposed to be. The boys didn't mind though....they loved it!
Before turning it on, Jackson wanted to be at the back of the bathtub since he didn't know what to expect. When I turned it on, he stayed back for a bit, but his tough little brother couldn't get to it fast enough. Look at Jackson holding Garrett's leg back in this picture. He wasn't sure it was safe for Garrett yet....

Getting closer, but using Garrett as his protection -

This probably isn't too safe to have the boys this close to the fire.....Aaron's shirt isn't too appropriate....Jackson doesn't have pants on - BUT, I still thought it was a cute picture of them helping their Daddy.

Mr. Garrett - this little guy cracks me up! He has a new face that has become his favorite. He wrinkles up his whole face and starts blowing out of his nose. He normally does it when he is being silly. He thinks it is hilarious when he does it to the kitchen light while we are eating. However, the other day Jackson took a toy from him and he quickly started to crawl after him with his wrinkled little face. He was mad and he was huffing and puffing! It was so funny!!!! I need to try to get it on video or get a good picture of him doing it. In the picture below, his face is KIND OF wrinkled up....but it is gets MUCH better!


  1. That is so great that Jackson is doing well and not wanting to wear a pull up!! Made me laugh that Garrett was protecting Jackson in the bath!! Funny!! Cute pictures of the boys!!

  2. CUTE pictures! I love that bubble machine; ours isn't as cool, and it's really loud! I'll have to try the Bath Bonanza... Can't wait for Friday :)

  3. Ok, it's all making sense now... I googled Bath Bonanza (because I clearly can't READ!), and got nothing. I finally found the Bath Blizzard :) Wish me luck!

  4. I think Garrett looks like you in that last picture!

  5. I love the bath pics of Garrett - he's so brave!!! How was it waking up to a fresh pot of pee pee? LOL! Better you than me sister!
