Thursday, January 22, 2009


Couldn't have been better! Jackson did not have ANY accidents today. He wore big boy underwear all day, so for his nap I was unsure if I should put him in a Pull Up or keep him in underwear. I decided to use a Pull Up just in case he went to the restroom in his sleep, I didn't want him to be discouraged. I think it is too soon for that. However, while he was trying to go to sleep, he got off of the couch (remember...he takes his naps on the couch) and went to use the potty. I am so proud of that little stinker!!!

I know we still have a lot more tasks to accomplish(like leaving the house....) and I know at times he is going to regress, but 30 hours (and counting) without an accident is something to be proud of. At least I know he is "ready." When I talked to my mom today I told her that NOW I can see why people say potty training is easy. Now that he wants to do it, it is easy! The first 2 days however, I was literally going insane. I won't lie....I HATED it. I don't know if it is the sticker chart or if it has just started to click, but he's getting it. Today I would find him in the restroom admiring his stickers. :)

Here are a few pictures from today:

Garrett and Jackson having a drink break after their naps -

Outside enjoying the beautiful day - I thought Jackson would for sure have an accident running around outside, but nope.....

PS. I forgot to put in my last blog another word that Garrett knows -
When we talk about my Dad (PawPaw) he starts going /P/ - /P/ - /P/!


  1. Glad the potty training is going well! I'm taking notes!

  2. Yay!!! Jackson! whohooo!

    You know.. you have to bring him to QP for his "undies" shot. Thats one of our 3 year old things... making muscles and standing in their favorite undies!

  3. Thanks Marla (Marka)! That's why I write about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know I have other "mommy friends" who read my blog and we all know that parenting isn't pretty 100% of the time. My bad/ugly stories may actually encourage another mom one day when she feels like she wants to scream, kick, and cry just like her child. :) haha...

  4. I love all the pictures you posted. It looks like you all had a really fun day yesterday. I'm so glad the potty training is going so well. No more diapers for Jackson, and no more bottles for Garrett. You're going to have so much more drawer and cabinet space! I'm proud of you all, even little Rigley for being such a good "big brother" and watchdog.

  5. Tell Jackson Aunt M is very proud of him. Tell Little G to keep breaking it down to Britney and tell Rigley Peace in Korea. I'm sleepy. Night Night.

  6. That is so great!! I am glad you kept trying to potty train Jackson because he is doing so well! The pictures are so cute! You will be a pro by the time Garrett is ready! Ha!!
