Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today, my friend Kristin and I had to run some errands and then took the boys to a park. Kristin and I have been best friends since about the 2nd grade. She is expecting her first baby at the end of April/first of May and I am so excited that our kids will be able to grow up together. Kristin's niece, Parker, and Jackson are 1 year apart and Garrett and Kristin's baby will be about a year apart....so we will just have one big play group one day! :)
....cleaning his shoe out. He wasn't a fan of the mulch in his shoe at this playground either. I guess I should of brought the cowboy boots.
Garrett and Kristin, only you don't see Kristin's head.
When it was time to leave, I knew Jackson was tired and it could have easily turned into a battle since Jackson was not ready to leave. I told Jackson "Let's go and when we get home you can have some ice cream." (I knew he would forget!) Without a battle, he was QUICKLY ready to go! He fell asleep in the car right away. I had to take Kristin home and then drive home, so we were in the car about an hour. When we pulled into the garage, I woke him up from his car seat and asked him if he wanted to go check the mail. He normally loves checking the mail, but today he was waiting at the back door still half asleep. I opened the door, he ran and climbed up into his booster chair and said "Ice Cream!" He didn't forget, so luckily we had some ice cream left over from his birthday party.


  1. Oh my sweet little smart baby!

  2. He looks so exhausted eating the ice cream! hahahahah!

    Once sean fell asleep eating spaghetti...hehehe... it was so hilarious with his head laying on his high chair tray covered with spaghetti sauce!

  3. Oh no - he looks like Dad in that pic!!! The way his mouth is open like that. Poor That-Thin!
