Saturday, October 11, 2008

The boys had their pictures taken today and I can't wait to see the proofs!! I knew Garrett would do fine, but Jackson worried me. Since he turned ONE last year, he hasn't liked to have his picture taken professionally. He didn't want anything to do with the pictures during Garrett's newborn session and he wasn't very excited about the Quick N' Painless Beach Day. The photographer actually had to photo shop the boys together on Beach Day because it was impossible to get a good one of both boys at the same time....Jackson wasn't giving us very many smiles.

So, for this session I didn't plan much for Jackson because I didn't think he would even want to step foot on the paper. I just planned on having her take most of Jackson's pictures outside....he is always happy outside. I didn't even go all out buying him outfits, because I thought I would be lucky to have any smiles from him. So....he got one new shirt.

Well Jackson surprised us all and was actually really happy during this session!**(see note at bottom) He got really crazy on the paper (now looking back, thank God he didn't rip the paper....he was running around being silly) and was "working the camera." He even did some gymnastics moves for her. Garrett was actually Mr. Serious. I know we got a lot of really good ones of Garrett (that I can hardly wait to see!!!), but we really had to work to get him to look at us. He was so curious about anything we put in front of him. He didn't care what we were doing to get his attention....jumping around, making funny sounds, standing on our heads....we were boring to him....he wanted to explore all of the props! And for the baking scene...he had A LOT to explore! New tastes, new objects, and FLOUR!! :) I can't wait to see all of the proofs. I think they are going to be really cute!!

**Cookies and a cupcake were used to bribe this child.

Here are a few pictures from this week at home-
Garrett is now taking baths in the big boy bath tub with Jackson!! YEA!!! That's one more baby item I can put up!

Do you think the sunlight might have been bothering him during his nap?!
Jackson is trying to teach Garrett how to play with his game. Garrett ended up showing Jackson how he could put it in his mouth!


  1. I cant wait to see the proofs TOO! :O)
    I was so excited to see Jackson HAPPY to be here! whohooO! he is over the phase!! Fun stuff!

  2. You forgot the part about little g getting a bath in Aunt M's sink. AND that Jackson is terrified of Uncle Gigky's skull in the yard.
