Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What I Can Make with Shapes.

I cut out shapes, had the boys identify the shapes, and then told them to make a picture using their shapes.  Jackson quickly figured it out....
 Garrett was caught cheating off of his brother....
Well, I THOUGHT he was cheating, but maybe he was trying to figure out how to steal the glue stick from Jackson, because Garrett's picture didn't reflect that he was cheating....
I really don't know what his picture was, but he kept saying "You like that Mommy?"  I would reply, "Yes, I do like that Garrett!" and he would say "Ohhhhhhh!  Thank You!"
Jackson made us laugh the other night.  We have had an alarm system, but it hasn't been monitored, so we had the alarm company come out the other night to get us set up to be monitored.  The alarm guy put the "this house is armed" sign in our flower bed and as Aaron and I are standing in the driveway talking to the guy as he was leaving, we hear Jackson counting.  We look down and see that Jackson is counting the sides on the sign and then yells, "It's a hexagon!"  Aaron looked at me with this face that meant "What the heck?  Is it a hexagon?!"  I'll be honest, I had to think about it for a second.  It was actually an octagon, but I was pretty happy with hexagon from my 3 year old.


  1. So sweet!! They both did a great job & they love working along side each other, don't they?
    I wonder if we all say, "ohhh thank you" to Garrett. He sounds so cute when he says that.

  2. I love this idea! I'm going to steel it for my kindergardeners for next week. :) Thanks!
