Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Savannah's Mini-Vacation.

My sister had to go out of town this week for work, the lady that keeps Savannah went out of town this week as well, and of course my brother in law Ricky works....so my sweet little niece Savannah has had a mini-vacation at her Aunt Kelli and Uncle Aaron's house from Saturday to Wednesday!  She is the sweetest little thing!  So easy, laid back, sleeps from 8:30pm until 7:30am, loves watching Jackson and Garrett play....the perfect little baby!  

I have only really taken pictures this week with my phone so that I can send them to my sister throughout the day, so I'm sorry about the poor quality of these pictures.  I really planned on taking somewhat good pictures of the 3 of them together, but for some reason I forget to do it throughout the day.....or don't have the motivation to do it throughout the day.....or one child is hungry....or tired....or stinky....or the boys want nothing to do with the camera...or nothing to do with each other.......the list goes on and on!  Maybe tomorrow!

Savannah in her jumper.  
(Of course my sister has the child that FALLS ASLEEP in her jumper!  I ALWAYS wanted a kid like that.) 
Savannah wakes up before the boys.  Every day when the boys wake up, the first thing they do is look for Savannah!  They each walk into kitchen with messy hair, holding their blanket, squinted eyes, and ask, "Where's baby girl Sa-bana?"   Here is Jackson telling Savannah good morning and asking her if she slept good last night.  They love each other!
I was making Jackson's bed and Jackson said "OH I KNOW!!!  Let's make a pallet with baby girl Sa-banan!!"
Here Jackson is telling her "Look Savannah, here are the toys you have to pick from - a bird, an elephant, a mirror, a turtle, a tire spinning thing.  They are all really fun, but if you don't like them, I am sorry, but you need to pick one, okay baby Sa-banana?" 
Where is Garrett?!?!  He has been great with Savannah too, but for some reason I don't have many pictures with him.  
After dinner tonight, Aaron took the boys to the pool and Savannah got to hang out with me while I did some things in the kitchen.  We had a nice talk.  I taught her how to make Zucchini Bread, I told her that her mommy is a great cook, but never eat anything she bakes (hahaha!!), I taught her my cleaning strategy for cleaning up the kitchen, I taught her why we must wash our hands after cracking eggs, I taught her what a 'big T' meant and what a 'little t' meant (I thought I needed to teach her that since she would never learn that at home....her mom just "eyeballs" it!;) I taught her some family cooking secrets (okay....so we don't have any..... I just made some things up!)  and I taught her much much more!  And if you can't tell, I was cracking myself up the whole time!  Doesn't having a baby in the kitchen make you feel like you have your own cooking show?  She was cooing at me and smiling, so I just kept talking away!  


  1. She is just precious!!! The boys are so good with her!! (hint hint)

  2. I love seeing how much they all love each other and how happy they are to be together.

    I get Kristin's hint! Maybe you do need a little girl to spend time in the kitchen with you!

  3. I love seeing how much they all love each other and how happy they are to be together.

    I get Kristin's hint! Maybe you do need a little girl to spend time in the kitchen with you!
