Saturday, July 10, 2010

Qualities of the Youngest Sibling

Being the youngest sibling myself, I know it isn't a job that just any Average Joe can do.  You have to have special qualities to be able to deal with your older sibling.  
The youngest sibling will naturally be patient. 

The older sibling will most likely have to be taught this quality.  (As Mommy and Daddy are pulling their hair out!!!....They need to be patient too!)

It starts from the time of conception.  

Mom is tired during her 1st pregnancy, she naps or goes to bed early.
1st baby of the family is crying, he/she is quickly comforted.
There isn't another sibling to steal toys.
The world simply revolves around him/her!

The youngest sibling.....
Mom doesn't take naps during pregnancy.  Focus is still on 1st baby.
2nd baby will learn to self soothe as Mom tends to oldest child who is in need.
2nd child's toys are stolen from day 1. 
2nd child's world depends on their older sibling's current mood.....because that is what's going to determine Mommy and Daddy's mood, too!

They learn to be patient.

Sometimes they have to just wait for their moment.

Find joy in playing with the little toy....
Understand that when the older sibling asks you to become involved, it is probably to benefit them in some way....
When they see their older sibling is in need, they will help....
They enjoy seeing their older sibling happy....
But they can't always figure out their older sibling.  Sometimes they may THINK their brother or sister wants their help, but there are moments when the oldest wants to PROVE that he/she doesn't need help!
The youngest will want to scream.....
But, the youngest has a sense of humor.
The youngest just sits quietly, waits, and thinks.....


  1. That was so stinkin cute (and true!!)

  2. This is so true....already evident with my baby at 6 months!

  3. Yup all those things are so true!! I already think about how I will not get to sleep much with my next pregnancy!! HA!!!

    Cute post!

  4. SO TRUE! I only have the one but I myself am a second child!

  5. SO TRUE! I only have the one but I myself am a second child!
