Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Horse Riding.

Sunday we went to Aaron’s Uncle Steve & Aunt Susan’s house to celebrate mine and Dianne’s birthday.  As always, we had a wonderful time and enjoyed every moment of it.  I know the boys had a BLAST!
I think Jackson was like this with their little dog, Pete, less than 5 minutes after arriving. 
May June 2010 043 May June 2010 047
We were walking outside to ride horses, but Garrett had to make a detour to Uncle Steve’s “Big green tractor.”
May June 2010 050
“Hi Horsey!  I’m Garrett!”
May June 2010 057
Jackson is an ole’ pro at riding a horse thanks to Uncle Steve.
May June 2010 069 May June 2010 155
May June 2010 073
Garrett’s turn!  Suddenly Mr. Serious….
May June 2010 076 May June 2010 082 May June 2010 083
Jackson cheering his brother on…. “Yee Haw!!”
May June 2010 092
May June 2010 094
May June 2010 097
May June 2010 101
Jackson watching Molly and Claire ride while he waits for ANOTHER turn….
May June 2010 111
May June 2010 132
Catching bugs with Daddy….
May June 2010 146
May June 2010 142
Garrett would rather hit the fence with his net than catch bugs. 
 May June 2010 145
May June 2010 149
Round 2 for Jackson.
May June 2010 153 May June 2010 158


  1. Looks like a good time! Those pictures look great!! What lens did you end up getting?

  2. Great pictures!!!! The close up of Jackson he looks so much like Aaron!!!

  3. Love the pictures! Looks like they had a great time! I'm so glad they get a chance to spend time with the horses and all the other fun stuff at Uncle Steve & Aunt Susan's.

  4. How fun! I wish we had access to horses like that. Love the pictures :)
