Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yard Work.

Saturday, I hired a little sprinkler & landscaping guy to make some changes in our flowerbeds.  He was a pretty nice guy, I guess....
He didn't charge me much.....
And for some reason, my children kept calling him Daddy....
:) Only kidding...

This skinny little tree in one of flower beds was driving us nuts.  
It reminded me of a fake Christmas tree that needed to be fluffed.  Aaron dug it up and replaced it with a small knock out rose tree.  It looks much better!  Then, of course, the sprinkler head that our builder's sprinkler company** installed "wasn't good enough."  Aaron wanted a bubbler in that small area.  I thought that would be a whole long process to change it to a bubbler and told Aaron "Let's just do it's fine for now."  But, in less than 10 minutes my little sprinkler man had it changed to a bubbler.

(**We get this question often, so let me explain.  Our HOA requires every house to have a sprinkler system, therefore it must be installed when the house is built.  Our builder has a company they use.  With enough effort, Aaron could have probably installed ours instead of the company they use.  However, it would have delayed the process of our house due to permits, meeting with different people, etc.  So, Aaron and I decided that since it would already be Aaron's busy time of the year, just let their company do the installation and then Aaron could move and change whatever to make it how he wanted it to be.  So....I just wanted to explain that incase there was any confusion!:) 

He even had 2 little helpers - 
This little helper was having a pretend picnic though - 
After this part was complete, he wanted pull up some of the shrubs and replace with something else he bought and move around some of the existing shrubs.  I quickly ran in to change Garrett's diaper, came back out and he was already done.  That's when I said "Geeez!  You're serious.  I feel like I hired a REAL landscaper."  He didn't give me a very nice look in return.  :) 

We ran to Lowe's to buy a new lawn mower.  We have always had a ride on lawn mower, but with our smaller lot, we only need a push mower.  As the 4 of us were at Lowe's looking at the mowers, Jackson asked me "Why does Daddy need a vacuum to mow the yard?  The lawn mowers were outside."  Garrett then says, "Daddy vacuums our yard with that right there, Mommy!??!!"  Clearly they grew up in the country!

 Later that night, after Aaron mowed and I planted flowers, we turned on the sprinklers and let the boys have some fun.... 
I think they enjoyed it....


  1. How funny, we did sprinklers in our yard this weekend too (and went to Lowes!)

    Can't wait to see more pictures of the house!

  2. That is hilarious about the pencil bush! Zack planted those dumb things at our house too! Joefrank immediately removed them as well! I am glad that ya are enjoying your new home!
