Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Our morning started with my mom coming over to see the house!  We took the boys for a walk in our neighborhood.  I just love our neighborhood!  

Here the boys are in this tower that sits on the pond.  Jackson calls this tower a lake house and the ledge at the bottom is a boat dock.  Clearly, all of his grandparents live on a lake.  

Garrett was throwing rocks in the water to feed the "butterflies"  {that were really mayflies}
{Looking at the water from the bridge}
The tower you see in the background is where we were earlier.
Shelly and Brooks are in town this week, so after we got home and had lunch, Shelly, Brooks, and Nana (Aaron's grandmother) came over for a visit.  Jackson really wanted Brooks to pose for the picture....Brooks just wanted to eat the microphone!
I love how Brooks looks at Jackson and Garrett!
I love watching them play.  Their age ranges are like stair steps.  Jackson & Garrett are a little less than 18 months apart and Garrett & Brooks are about 16 months apart.  
Actually, now that I think about it, Brooks is the age Jackson was when I found out I was pregnant with Garrett.  (even though that really has nothing to do with the point I am trying to make with their age range!)
Jackson was tired {but pretending not to be}
He sat with Nana to read.  
I don't know why he is sitting so far and has a "I'm too cool" look.  He is the one that brought Nana the book!  He loved every second of it!  
They were trying so hard to make a silly face to make Brooks laugh for a picture....
I almost didn't post this whole series of pictures.  There isn't a great one where all 3 are looking at the camera and Jackson and Garrett start acting a little crazy, but by the time I got to the end of the pictures, I was cracking up....
I think Brooks is wondering what is wrong with these kids?!....

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