Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's been awhile....

I am still alive.  Things have just been busy, therefore less time to blog!  

We found out that we should close on our house April 29th or 30th....but no later than May 7th.   (I know that sounds funny, but those were the dates they gave me.)  I can't believe it.  It seems like it has gone by so fast.  I will love having our own home again, but I must admit....I think I may miss my parents a little!  Have you ever heard the country song that has the lyrics "Me and my husband, we need a wife...."  Well, sometimes I feel like having my mom around is like having an "extra wife." 

Just simple things that make such a difference:
I cook dinner, then she does the dishes while I am give the boys a bath......
Two women in the house to clean and get things done around the house.....
If it is a day we are both home, and one boy wants to go to the store with me and the other one doesn't, then one will stay home with Mom while the other one goes with me.....
Waking up and the coffee is already made....
Still having a man at the house to do the "man jobs" if Aaron is gone to work......
Staying up late with mom and having a glass (or 2...) of wine!!  I will probably become a better blogger since I will go back to having no one to talk to on the nights Aaron has to work.

I will enjoy our family being back to normal, but at times I think I may kind of miss our "temporary normal."

Anyways, if anyone is interested in our old kitchen table, let me know.  The chair cushions probably need to be recovered, but I would be willing to recover them in a fabric of your choice if interested!
On difference note, sweet little Savannah had her pictures taken today.  This pictures are not ready to view yet, but I must share some that Sis took with her phone during the session.  


  1. Love the pictures of Savannah!!

  2. You'll be in your house so soon! It seems like it went by so fast to me!

    And I cannot wait to see those pictures of Savannah. Just the ones Melissa took look so cute!

  3. I know exactly what your talking about "having an extra wife around" It was so much fun staying up late with my mom watching HGTV and having a glass of wine together...I miss it a lot! Its also nice to have extra help with the kids! But I must admit, getting back to "normal" is SOOO nice!

  4. Wow, can't believe your house is almost done already. I love that you've been sharing the process with us! I think we are at the point now where we'd like to build our next house. We've had the chance to figure out what we like and don't. So congrats! Post more pictures of where it's at when you have some!

    And Savannah is such a doll. I saw a couple of the pictures on facebook and they are perfect!
