Saturday, April 3, 2010

House Update.

Here are lots and lots of pictures from the house in no particular order.  (which really means, we walked around the house a lot and I took pictures when I remembered to, therefore, there is no flow to these pictures....sorry!)
The master bath:
They were setting the tile in the shower:
(Aaron felt the need to use his "Spanish speaking skills" to talk to the man.....and Jackson felt the need to try to copy what his daddy was saying....)
Here is a close up of the tile accent pieces:
Dining Room/Playroom!?  I guess it's about time I make my mind up.
Standing in the entryway, looking into the office:
The extra storage closet in the office.  I love this closet.  You really can't tell the size of it from the picture, but it is so big for just an extra closet!
In the office, looking out into the entryway:  
(There is something covering the glass on the doors)
This is the rotunda in the entryway:  
(kind of hard to see in a picture)
Linen closet in the hallway:
Jackson's Room:
Garrett's Room:
Laundry Room:
They installed the garage door, which is a HUGE deal to Jackson.  For whatever reason, he calls the actual garage door a "garage door opener."  When people ask about our house or if we go and see the house, he will say "They still have not put up the garage door opener."  Jackson was happy to see our "garage door opener" has now been install.  
His next favorite thing:  The ladder to the attic is now install as well.  He says he NEEDS to go on the ladder to go "up, up, and away!"  
He insists on walking through the squares every time, which results in shoes falling off every time....
I am standing in the laundry room.  
Doors left to right:  Bathroom, Jackson's room, Garrett's room:
And from where Garrett was standing in the picture above, he is looking at this:
In kitchen area, looking into living room:
In kitchen area, looking towards front door:
One last picture of the progress in the shower:
Ceiling in the living room:
Jackson posing:
Saying "cheese" with his fingers in his cheeks and all:
Where is Garrett?.....
Having a diaper change in the back of the car!  (Thanks Aaron!)
They love each other....90% of the time.


  1. Oh my goodness! They've done so much! It's looks great!

  2. House looks great!! It is really coming along!!
