Saturday, March 13, 2010

Speaking of my Sister....

Yesterday, my sister had a sonogram to check Savannah's size.  My sister is 35 and a half weeks pregnant and due April 14th.  According to this sonogram, Savannah is already 7lbs. 4oz. and the sonogram shows March 28th as her "due date."  This however wasn't the shocking news.  The shocking news was that she found out that Savannah is breech.  Since Savannah is already big, the chances of her turning are SLIM.

As of today, it looks like my sister will have a c-section.  She goes to her doctor on Tuesday, so I will keep you posted.


  1. SLIM is a good choice of words. HA! Oh, I had a dream last night that there was a baby giraffe and a baby coyote in my house. Maybe that means I'm getting close to having this baby....(I'm trying to think of a nice word for a fat baby animal) LOL!

  2. when i was 35 weeks he weighed 8 lbs and was breech ,didnt decide to turn til the end i was 38 weeks. so theres hope!nut i ended up having to have a c section because he was to big...good luck.

  3. Thanks for the update! I'll be thinking of her!

  4. Payton measured really big too, but they ended up being wrong! So maybe she will turn before making her arrival!! Keep the updates coming! :)
