Sunday, March 7, 2010

House Update.

Let me go ahead and say that I know the framing of a house isn't exciting to everyone.  I know some of you may get bored and some of you will enjoy the many updates of the progress of our house....and that is perfectly okay with me!  (Nobody has told me it is boring, I am just warning you that one day you MAY be tired of it!:)  Like many other bloggers, my blog is our family scrapbook.  It is our organized, month by month photo album.  

I am excited that it is starting to look like a house!  It makes me feel a little less homeless.  :)  
Standing in his room:
Leaving his room to go Jackson's room to play....the first of many times to come! 
Hanging out in Jackson's room:
As we were standing in the garage, Garrett noticed his room, which is next to the garage.  
He started yelling "MY ROOM!!  MY ROOM!!"


  1. Hope you've got flood insurance. :-) Great pics! It will be fun to look back at them when the boys are so much older!!! I wonder if they understand the entire process???

  2. haha! I did ask Jackson if he was okay with puddles in his room instead of carpet!! :)

  3. It all goes up so fast! I like the house updates!

  4. Well I like your house updates so keep them coming :)

    I love the big windows in the boys bright!

    And you could always make that room a playroom for a couple years while they are still little, and then once they are bigger make it into a formal dining room. Were using our extra room in our new house as a playroom now and then we're going to make an office in a few years.

    New houses are so much fun! (living with parents...not so much! haha)

  5. I love the house updates!! It is so exciting!! It will be ready before you know it. Aren't you sooooo excited about decorating????

  6. I love the updates too! We saw our frame go up on Friday afternoon! I just wanted to cry. And I am so happy to see the progress in just 2 days. OMG!!! They are fast. Love it.


  7. LOVE the house!!! Looking so good and will be done before you know it!!! Pizza and playdates coming your way!!

  8. Ok I was signed in under Marla's name for the previous comment........... Love the house!!!
