Monday, March 22, 2010

Garrett's 2nd Birthday!

Garrett's birthday was Sunday, March 21.  Since we are "kind of homeless", we decided against our traditional birthday party at home.  Instead Garrett had a weekend of birthday fun.....

On Saturday, we went to G-Mom and Graddad's house.  As soon as we walked in the door, Jackson decided it was time for Garrett to open presents.  Luckily, there was something for Jackson as well.  At one point, Jackson said "I like to share....especially when it's Garrett's birthday!"  
Garrett still had his jacket on since we just walked in, but once he saw the baseball stuff he decided it was time to get serious about these birthday presents.
We discovered that Garrett knows how to throw a baseball up in the air and hit it with the little bat.  I was impressed!!
Cake time!  
Garrett was so serious.  He knew this was his big moment!
During our drive home Saturday night, it started to snow.  Aaron said to Garrett, "I can't believe it is snowing the night before your birthday!"  Jackson then said, "Garrett, I didn't know your birthday was on Christmas!!!!"  Since it snowed on Christmas Eve last year, I think Jackson will forever believe that it only snows on Christmas!  These kids have seen more snow this year than I have probably seen in my life.  

Sunday morning, which was Garrett's actual birthday, we woke up to more snow.  Needless to say, his gift from us had to be used inside....
We made plans to eat at Red Robin with my side of the family & Aaron's brother Michael on Sunday to celebrate Garrett's birthday.  

I made these cupcakes to take with us -
Cookie Monster
Oscar the Grouch
My sister, Ricky, and Harleigh
(possibly their last family photo before baby Savannah arrives!)
Michael and Garrett!  Garrett loves his Uncle Michael so much!
I think Garrett is in deep thought about which character he wants for his cupcake.
Blowing out his candles (with the help of his brother....)
I love Harleigh's new hair cut!
There is no denying it....Jackson picked Elmo!
Garrett LOVES his new Ernie!
My sister and Grandma
After lunch, we took Harleigh and the boys to Build a Bear.
Harleigh did a good job explaining the process of Build a Bear to the boys.  
When it was time for Garrett to pick out his stuffed animal, he said "NO!  I WANT ERNIE!"  So, he didn't make one.  He just held his new Ernie the whole time and watched.
Jackson watching his bear get stuffed....
They put hearts inside of each bear and tell the kids silly things like "Rub it on your head, so your bear will be as smart as you."  "Rub it on your ears, so your bear will hear as well as you."  etc.  It was at this time Aaron had to walk away laughing.  He had enough!  :) 
Then they said to make a wish for your bear.  I didn't know if Jackson would know what that meant, but he did close his eyes....
Cleaning their bears....and Ernie!
Jackson and Garrett with their Aunt M - 


  1. Those cupcakes look great! I'm glad Garrett had a happy birthday!

  2. I love the cupcakes! You are so creative! I was cracking up at " I didn't know Garrett's birthday was on Christmas." haha, adorable! Happy 2nd Birthday Garrett!

  3. Happy Birthday Garrett!! Those cupcakes do look GREAT!!!!! I want one right now!!

    Looks like a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. LOVE all the pics! We had a great time with the boys. Harleigh may have been a little stressed out - ha! But most of all, Aunt M FINALLY got some strawberry cake!!! Even if it was in the form of an Elmo cupcake. I'll take what I can get!
