Friday, February 19, 2010

Our New House: Under Construction!

Permits have been pulled, on Tuesday we had our final "red line" meeting with our builder to confirm everything, and we were happy to see they broke ground Wednesday!  

{He thinks he is in charge}
(Garrett was sleeping in the car)

When we drove by on Thursday, the forms were set...
Even though we were able to pick our lot and were aware that we would have a small front yard and a small backyard - seeing the forms set and actually seeing the size of the front and backyard kind of worries me.  Coming from an acre, we really didn't want much of a yard for many reasons.  Aaron told me it is small, but once the house is built and there isn't so much open space, it will seem a little bigger than I am expecting.  

When I think of the big picture, the fact of the matter is - it is what it is and we will adjust!  It is easy to say "You should have got a bigger yard," but that is easier said than done when keeping all the other issues in mind.  Nonetheless, the positives still outweigh the negatives and we wouldn't change a thing!  

{Jackson just hanging out in what will be his room}

I told Jackson to "say cheese!"  
He said cheese, but for whatever reason he covered his ears at the same time.  :)   

Aaron walked with Garrett to what will be his room....

Then Garrett thought he needed to be Mr. Independent....

He quickly realized that walking in mud wasn't as easy as it appeared to be....

"Hold you, Daddy!"  
(He normally says "hold you" instead of "hold me." :)

Our house should be ready in 90 to 120 days.  If we have decent weather, it should be ready the middle of May, however if the weather doesn't corporate it could be the middle of June.  They broke ground the day before Aaron's birthday, so maybe we will move in on my birthday in May!


  1. Aw! I LOVE all the pics!! These will be great to look back on.

  2. I can't wait to see more pictures as the house progresses! How exciting :)
