Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday, Mom!

Happy 50th Birthday to my Mom! (actually January 2nd)
We had a surprise birthday party brunch at Blue Mesa Saturday morning. She thought she was only meeting our family and my sister's family, but was surprised with a whole room of people she knows and loves.

I didn't dare tell Jackson in advance that we were having a surprise party for my mom, but he did help me pick out her birthday present. When we bought her present, we had a long talk about birthday presents being a secret. The other day we were at my parents' house and I quietly asked my mom if Jackson had said anything about her present because I was curious. She told me he hadn't. Later in the day, Mom asked Jackson if "Bam Bam's birthday was coming up." Jackson made his eyes real big, got a little shy, and shook his head no. You could tell he wanted to avoid the topic. So....he was still doing good at this point!

Fast forward a few days later to the birthday party......
As soon as my mom walks in the door, Jackson says "Bam Bam!!!!! Are you ready to open your popcorn maker?!?!" as he is pointing to all the presents.... :)
My mom with her sister, Kelly
Harleigh with Grandma Lynn
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Thanks Bobbie (Aunt Bonnie;) for helping with the boys!!
Pat and Aaron having a serious conversation I'm sure - (those 2 could talk all day!)
My sister with Grandma Lynn -

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FINALLY....THE Popcorn Maker Jackson had been waiting for -
Ha! No clue what she is doing, but it makes me laugh -
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Our family....Garrett is ready for his bed!
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Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope you had a great 50th birthday! We love you!


  1. Happy belated birthday Kathy!!

    Great family picture- Melissa your belly is so cute!!

    Kelli- you weren't lying that Jackson wore his green Jackson the whole party.. haha.. only kidding!!

  2. Oh sweetie, that was so nice. Yes, I had an incredible birthday. Thank you to you and your sister and your dad for putting it all together for me. It was such a complete surprise and so much fun. I'm looking forward to making popcorn with the boys. I'm pretty sure Jackson is looking forward to that too :) and I know Garrett will get a kick out of it! Thank you!
    Love You,

  3. It was an absolute blast! All of your family is so beautiful and happy it just makes me heart warm! Happy BDay again Sis - I love you so much!
