Monday, January 18, 2010

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.......

We have known for a while now that Garrett's favorite part of the alphabet was E-F-G! That's what he calls all letters - "E-F-G! E-F-G!" However, the other day we were all in the car and Garrett just started singing his whole ABCs. Aaron and I looked at each other like "Did you know he could do that?"

One thing I have learned that is different about the 2nd child, is that with your first child you know EXACTLY when they are supposed to know or do everything. If they are not balancing on one foot for 6 seconds by the age of ____, call the doctor. If they are not saying more than 52 words by the age of ____, call the doctor. Okay, clearly I made those examples up, but you get my point. With your first child you know "THE TIMELINE." With your 2nd child, you're a little more laid back. You're not as obsessed with "THE TIMELINE" and you can just look at your child and say "ohhhhh.....he's fine! Right on track!"'s moments like this with Garrett that I realize "Oh!!!! Oops!! You probably should know your ABCs by now! ......or wait, does this make you advanced? Or should you have known your ABCs 6 months ago?" Heck.....poor baby, maybe he did know his ABCs 6 months ago and I just didn't know that he did!?!?!

Here is a video of Garrett singing his ABCs. It's not the best video of the actual ABCs because he is trying to see himself in the camera, but I thought that part was funny and worth sharing. In the background is Jackson and I laughing. Sorry if it makes you dizzy!


  1. Aw! Little G is turning into Big G! So proud of him!!!! LOVE the video(s)!

  2. Good job Garrett! I'm very impressed! Parker really doesn't get past 'G'...if even that far!! :)

  3. I could just watch that over & over again. So cute to hear Garrett singing his ABC's and to hear Jackson giggling so much in the background.

  4. Ditto on Bam Bams comment. That is just precious. Put a big smile on my face. Thanks.

  5. Wow that is impressive!! Sorry I am just now reading/watching this!!

    Cupcakes are too cute too!!!
