Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shaving Cream Snowman!

I decided to be brave and let the boys use shaving cream to make their own snowman. First, I can't even tell you how excited Jackson was to get to use Aaron's shaving cream. "We get to use DADDY'S shaving cream!??!?!?!" He thought his was the coolest kid around!

The hardest thing about my personality and having young kids is standing back and letting it be THEIR work. When I want to say "put the nose lower so you have room for the eyes" or "the hat is upside down," I have to bite my tongue and say "great job." To each of them, their work is perfect and that is what makes them proud and that is what makes me smile!

My plan was to draw 3 circles, squirt shaving cream inside the circle, give them little pieces I cut out for the nose, eyes, arms, etc. and stand back.

Jackson was okay with this and went to work....

While Garrett looked at me like I was crazy for trying to make him stick his hand in shaving cream....
This is when I feared that Jackson was going to put shaving cream on his WHOLE paper instead of within the perfect little circles I drew, but I kept my mouth closed and enjoyed his happiness...
I started Garrett's bottom circle for him....
He watched his big brother to make sure he approved of this messy project....

I finally did the shaving cream for Garrett so he would at least put all the pieces on....

"Jackson, smile with your snowman!"
"Garrett, smile with your snowman!"

Their finished products!


  1. What a great idea! And I'm the same way...I want to "help" Parker make it "right," but really what makes it so great is how cute they end up making it. Love the snowmen!

  2. Now that was the sweetest blog. What a fun project! Made me laugh the whole way thru. I loved seeing Garrett's reaction to it all. Very nice finished projects too. Glad to see your still using your teaching degree and at the perfect place - home.

  3. How cute!! So crafty!!

    I love Garrett's face when he is looking at you like you are crazy! And Jackson's face like he is so proud of his snowman, as he should be! :)
