Saturday, November 28, 2009


On Wednesday, they boys and I went to Nana’s house (Aaron’s Grandmother) for a playdate with some of Aaron’s cousins and their children.  Nana has 3 daughters and is now up to 15 great grandkids.  In just 2009, 6 out of the 15 great grandchildren arrived…..2 sets of twins and Brooks and Chloe.  Unfortunately not everyone was able to attend, but we all had fun getting to spend the day with all the generations!  

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Jackson and Garrett playing with Cole

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The boys looking out the window as G-Mom arrived with Molly and Claire -


Lunch Time!


Laura holding her cousin, Isabella - 


Dianne holding her “great nephew” Drake (twin of Isabella) and Brooks -


Making turkey cupcakes -  (Great idea from Shelly!!!) 

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It was getting to be naptime for Garrett, but the cupcakes seemed to give Garrett enough energy to continue on…..


Until we were done with the cupcakes, on to another project, and I decided that Garrett didn’t need the marker any longer…..


Although Jackson was trying to be the best big brother ever by giving Garrett a purple crayon to replace the marker…..All good things must come to an end……It was naptime!


On Thanksgiving Day, we only had one place to go since we had Thanksgiving with Aaron’s side of the family a few weeks ago.  We spent our morning at home watching the Thanksgiving parade on TV and then headed down to my parents house.


Aaron, Dad, and their neighbor John frying turkeys -


The boys finding trouble to get in to -  (no, they did not remove all the bark you see missing…..)


Happy Boy!

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Showing Jackson the turkey -


Excuse the apron….


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I guess it is time to put up the Christmas tree.  Jackson has been saying for the past few weeks “First it is Thanksgiving, then we sing a song, then it will be Christmas.”  I don’t know where the sing a song part came from, but I guess that is what stage we are in now….we are singing!   :)


  1. I think Parker is in the singing stage, too. She's not quite as good as Jackson yet, but she is really trying hard these days! It's pretty cute....and funny!

  2. Very cute, still waiting on my Shutterfly....

  3. Haha.. love the apron... LOL

    Cute pictures of the boys!!

    Your hair is getting so long!! I like it!

    Looks like yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And yes it is time to put of the tree!! :)
