Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gobble, Gobble.

We had Thanksgiving a little early this year with Aaron’s side of the family so that Shelly’s husband, Justin, could join us before leaving to play winter ball.   

032Davy Crockett…… (This hat was actually Aaron’s when he was a little boy!) 


Jackson had a little bit of everything for dessert…..


Garrett’s favorite thing was whipped cream from G-Mom!  He LOVED it!

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Garrett loving on Baby Brooks!

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Garrett seems so big compared to Brooks, but the crazy thing is that Brooks and Garrett are a tad bit closer in age than Jackson and Garrett.  


  1. OMGosh! Adorable pictures. Looks like the boys LOVED having an early Thanksgiving & have found a few new favorite foods.

  2. Such cute pictures of the boys!! So sweet Garrett giving Brooks loving!!
