Thursday, September 24, 2009

Maybe a Crazy Dream?

Last night, when Aaron and I checked on Jackson and Garrett before going to bed, we discovered Garrett positioned in his bed like this -

001I took his picture, repositioned him in his bed, went to check on Jackson,  decided to take his picture as well, 004noticed Rigley on the floor, who was annoyed with the flashing of the camera and was waiting for me to stop so he could go back to bed (he has been sleeping on Jackson’s decorative pillows that we put on the floor at night), so I took his picture as well just for the heck of it,007and then we got in bed.  I tossed and turned as I was going down my checklist for Jackson’s birthday party in my mind.  Finally, I realized our house was a little warm, so I decided to get up and turn the air down. 

Our thermostat is near the hallway, so on my way to the thermostat I noticed something on Garrett’s floor.  His room is pretty dark at night, so I couldn’t make out what the mysterious object was.  I turned on the hallway light and discovered that the mysterious object was Garrett.  010I guess it was a soft fall considering I never heard a thing and by the looks of things, I don’t think Garrett ever felt a thing.  He has been doing great and hasn’t been rolling out of his bed like we predicted he would, so maybe he just had a crazy dream last night….


  1. Nothing sweeter -
    They do love their Aunt Ruth blankies don't they? Just like you did.

  2. I love it! How cute :)

    I dread the day Carsons in a big boy bed- we're never going to get any sleep!

    Yep, Austins shoes were on the wrong feet in the picture! I thought it was so funny I had to take a picture of the whole thing :)

    They are actually 20 months (to the day) apart! I found out on Austins 1st birthday that I was pregnant with Carson :)
