Friday, September 11, 2009

Lots of Sand and some Mickey Mouse!

We’re going to Florida! Aaron’s parents called us a little over a week ago to see if we wanted to go to Florida with them. They got a condo and thought it would be fun for us to join them. Unfortunately Aaron doesn’t have vacation time left from work this year, however who in their right mind would pass up a trip to the beach!?!? We’re going and we’re going very soon!

At first it started out as the 6 of us….Randy, Dianne, Aaron, Jackson, Garrett, and I. That’s 4 adults and 2 kids! Then, we were excited to hear that Aaron’s sister Carissa and her family wanted to join us as well. Add 2 more adults and 3 more kids….we’re up to 6 adults and 5 kids! Next, we got news that Shelly, Justin, and Brooks would be able to come as well! Add 2 more adults and 1 more kid baby….we’re up to 8 adults and 6 kids.

Six Kids – ages 4,3,2,1, 5 months, and 2 months!

With all these kids, we knew we needed someone to take care of them all, so Blair agreed to come and be responsible for pushing the strollers at Disney World and getting the “Uncle of the Year Award” by building the best sand castle on the beach!!

This makes 9 adults and 6 kids! Randy and Dianne said that one night they want us “big kids” to go out to dinner and they would watch and put the kids to bed. I am thinking we should call TLC for this! What a great reality show that would be! I can visualize it now: Dianne is going to be rocking Chloe and Brooks, while Randy is singing his famous tunes to Molly, Claire, Jackson, and Garrett!

At first, I must admit, I was a little stressed about the boys flying for their first time, all the stuff we would have to pack for them, to bring Garrett’s pack and play or not to bring it… know…just all the things moms stress about. Now however, we will all be doing this together with little ones and it will be a blast! I can’t wait to see them chasing each other on the beach and writing their names in the sand. We can’t wait!


  1. Yay, finally I can comment! I don't know what was going on!The Florida trip sounds so fun! The boys (and kids, and Brooks) will have a blast!

    We have to travel with Reagan and it does become stressful, luckily we are usually just going home so our parents have their house stocked with things so I don't have to bring them.

    Do you have a portable DVD player? Snacks, Juice, colors, books, and a movie and they will be set for the plane ride!

  2. I can't wait!! I laughed out loud about the uncle of the year award, and the thought of Dad singing to all the kids. Do we have a nanny cam so we can all watch this?!? Hilarious!!

  3. I can't wait to hear stories and see pictures! Have FUN!
