Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jackson!

Jackson's Birthday Party no address

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Checking out the size….

015 019

I told Jackson to “smile right.” When will I realize that only makes it worse?

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Sometimes I think Aaron has more fun than the kids….

147 149 154 157 206 207 215 221 223 233

I look a little stressed here. I have no idea why….. haha!!!


Thanks Nana for making Jackson a “Super Jackson” cape!


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Video….be sure to notice Jackson point to himself.

116 119 120

Someone got a little sweaty bouncing -

And with every good party, you are left with a mess to clean up -


Jackson said “My cake is all broken!”


I saved the left over cake, but I caught Garrett attacking the crumbs -


We didn’t have to return the bounce house until last night, so we let the boys take full advantage of it until bedtime. I must say, I don’t think my children have ever smelled as bad as they did last night. Wow.


Happy 3rd Birthday to my oldest baby boy. The little boy who taught me the meaning of “A Mother’s Love.”

Jackson Baby

Goodbye terrible twos. We leave you today, but we’ll see you again in 6 months.


  1. Tell Jackson "Happy Birthday" from all of us over here!

    He is so adorable in that newborn picture. Looking at it gives me this sunk in feeling in my stomach....about how fast they grow!! Bittersweet.

  2. Happy Birthday Jackson! I can't believe you're already 3! You are getting to be so big! I Love You very, very much!
    Bam Bam

  3. Wow time sure flies!!! I can't believe Jackson is already 3!
    Happy Birthday Jackson

  4. Happy Birthday to Jackson - a day late!! Hope he had a good day!! He is growing up too fast!!

    The party was very nice, you come up with such great ideas!!

    P.S. I LOVE the pickle popcorn!! I want more!! ha
