Sunday, September 13, 2009

Building Blocks.

Our pediatricians office uses a questionnaire to evaluate the developmental progress of kids ages 4 months, 12 months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years. I typically receive this evaluation in the mail 3 weeks before their well visit check up. Since they both have a well visit coming up, I am working on Jackson’s 3 year evaluation and Garrett’s 18 month evaluation.

One of the questions for Garrett’s fine motor skills is: Does your child stack three small blocks or toys on top of each other by himself?

I thought this was a cute video of him stacking blocks. He is so proud of himself!

**You will hear him say “2,3” but he also says “E,F,G.” When he sees letters he always says “E,F,G.” Why doesn’t he start with A,B,C like most kids? Because Garrett never does anything in order like most kids! :)

One of Jackson’s questions for fine motor skills is: After he watches you draw a line from the top of the paper to the bottom with a pencil, crayon, or pen, ask your child to make a line like yours. Do not let your child trace your line. Does your child copy you by drawing a single line in a vertical direction?

At first I thought it was cute that he was trying to erase his mess ups with his finger, even though we know crayons don’t erase. Now however, I am looking way too much into it (see…I am admitting it!) and it kind of makes me sad. I love that Jackson has always thought that everything he does is perfect. He thinks he is a wonderful singer, great dancer, great at kicking a ball, etc. Now he is noticing when he messes up on things. I know that is a skill that everyone has and he is just barely doing it in this video, but it just makes me think about the future. I know you sometimes have to fail to succeed, but still…..I never want him to be disappointed in himself……but I know you have to be disappointed in yourself at times to have the desire to do better. (I know! I know! I admitted I am looking way to deep into this!:)


  1. Those videos are too cute!! Garrett did look very proud of himself, as he should. :) And Jackson looked so serious! I love it!

  2. Aw, those are so cute. I love how excited Garrett was! Is there anyway you could email me the 18 month list, I would love to see what's on it.

  3. Wow, The new blog page looks GREAT!

  4. I LOVE the new blog page!! Great picture!!

  5. I LOVE the new blog page!! Great picture!!

  6. What a wonderful, insightful mother you are.
