Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Think Smart, Save Half

Jackson's dresser was scheduled to be delivered today between 1:00-3:00. I still had not picked up his curtains, so knowing that I would want to go to bed tonight with his room 100% complete (which it isn't...) I decided to run to PBK this morning.

I found the curtains I wanted, but they only had one panel in the size I needed. I decided to go ahead and buy the one panel and I would order the other panel online. In the meantime this drove me nuts thinking about the fact that his dresser was finally being delivered, but now I would have to look at ONE curtain panel until the other one came in.

I get home and hang up the curtain ( in singular). As I was hanging it up, I was telling Aaron that I think it's dumb that curtains come with just one panel. For Jackson's curtains, I want them to hang straight down on each side of the tie back things. However, this darn curtain wouldn't stay where I wanted it. It was to wide and wouldn't stay gathered together like I wanted it to. At that point I told Aaron maybe we would have to use tie backs.....

But then, I got one of my bright ideas! You bright ideas that Aaron tells me "no" which only motivates me to do it more?! (It always reminds me of when I was trying to teach my 13 year old dog Barney how to shake and he told me "Kelli, you can't teach an old dog new tricks." That was all I needed and Barney was shaking the next day! One day he will learn to use reverse psychologically on me to his benefit.) I decided I would cut the curtain in half length wise and hem the edges. Look at all the benefits - TWO panels, not as wide, and save $49, (or if you're pessimistic, risk throwing $49 down the drain), and no waiting for the 2nd panel to arrive.
I got to work -

Aaron joked, laughed, and went on and on when I was having issues with the bobbin. He loved it.

Jackson now has TWO curtain panels for the price of one! (Ignore the rod, I'm getting another one)

Jackson now has a new dresser....
Jackson is now a happy boy....

a happy boy that doesn't like the flash on his Mommy's camera....


  1. Good job!! you are quite the handy woman!!

  2. I think I am going to have to do something similar to that for Parker's curtains. We (I) got the pink black-out curtains from PBK (they were too long also...but that's my fault). Anyway- they were too bunched up like you said...and they wouldn't really stay open. I didn't mess with it because I knew we were about to move and I didn't know what her window would be...but now I do...and I (or someone) will be cutting and sewing them as well!

    Oh- and they look the way!

  3. You go girl! They look great! It is kind of sad that he doesn't have a "baby room" anymore! Chloe wants this "pre-teen" looking room when we move! SCARY!

  4. WOW! I love how the curtains turned out. You did good! The room looks great! Love the dresser and Aaron's Jordan jersey hanging on the wall. More than all that I love the smile on Jackson's face. He's a happy boy!

  5. I did something similar. We have a half window in our bedroom and I thought the curtains looked dumb hanging to the floor. I had bought 3 panels but I cut two of them in half horizontally and then took the 3rd one back! It looks much better!! Great minds think alike :)

  6. Great job. Looks GREAT! I love the gingham sheets. I've got to order some of those.
