Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For Two Sweet Boys.


This boat is owned by my father in law, Randy. He bought a new boat and passed this boat down to Aaron several months ago to keep in the family. He wanted Aaron to have it so he could take Jackson and Garrett fishing.

However, my gracious in laws had a better idea a few nights ago. Aaron's parents and my parents both live on the lake and both own boats, therefore we always have the opportunity to take the boys on a boat. Randy has decided to sell the bass boat and the money will be used to buy Jackson and Garrett a new swing set to replace the one that blew away a few weeks ago.

We have posted an ad on Craig's List, but if you know anyone that may be interested, please spread the word.


I typed that blog post Monday and had it scheduled to be posted on my blog Tuesday morning. However..........in less than 24 hours I am thrilled to report: Photobucket

Craig's List is great! Aaron and Randy's phones were ringing like crazy yesterday and I got several e-mails. Randy and Dianne came to pick up the boat on Sunday so it could stay there while we were trying to sell it since our house is on the market. When Jackson heard the boat was leaving our house, he didn't know what to think. Although we have never taken the boat on the water, Jackson says that it is "Jackson and Daddy's Boat." Dianne sat down with Jackson and told him our plan and Jackson was okay with the boat leaving so that he could get a new swing set. In the meantime, we just hoped our plan worked. Last night after the boys got out of the bath, G-Mom and Grandad stopped by to tell them the good news!


  1. I love the one of Jackson hugging Randy with the $$$ in his hand! That's priceless.

  2. Congrats on the fast sale!! We are thinking about getting Parker a swing set for her birthday, too. Decisions, decisions...:)

  3. That just melts my heart! What an awesome idea!

  4. How cool. I am glad it sold so fast for you.

