Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Have a Bed!!

If you haven't read the blog posted before this, read that first.

The regional manager (I think that's her title?) from Pottery Barn Kids called this afternoon. She was extremely apologetic, friendly, professional and said she thinks she has a solution to this problem. She found the bed we want at the San Antonio store and we could buy it at the floor model price (which is 30% off!) and shipping would be free.

I prepared myself for this call all day and had my lines ready to go, however I wasn't expecting to hear that. I pictured myself trying to get a discount on our 2nd choice bed to compensate for this whole mess. Now I had all these lines and thoughts in my head, but there wasn't anything to argue about. I told her I am fine with that, however I was sceptical buying their floor model since I couldn't see it to check for scratches. She completely understood and called the SA store for me. They said (which I HOPE is true) that the bed is in wonderful condition. So.....I said yes and Jackson's bed will be here soon!

The great thing is that I planned to order the Thomas Bed (2nd choice) online. Pottery Barn always adds on a surcharge fee of $100 to $150 to large items PLUS shipping cost. This means IF we would have had to order the Thomas Bed, we would have had to pay full price for bed, surcharge fee, and shipping fee. So not only are we getting the bed we originally wanted, we are saving on surcharge and shipping fees and getting it for 30% off! Yippee!

Now.....we I have to paint.
and get a mattress....
and dresser....
and curtains....
and lamp....
and cry because my little boy is moving into a twin bed.


  1. Well- I'm glad you got the bed that you really wanted and it all worked out!

  2. Yay! So happy that it worked out, but what a mess in the beginning! Sorry about having to purchase a big boy bed. :(

  3. Awww.... So sweet! Jackson is growing up too fast! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these blogs. It reminds me so much of my mom when we were little. It used to embarrass me but now that I am older I catch myself doing it all the time. Like today, they were supposed to come fix my dishwasher and so I got out of the house so I did not have to be here with the "maintenance" man and when I got home I realize - they never came!! And the cable guy only hooked our cable up in the living room when we were supposed to have it in 3 rooms???? I have lots of phone calls to make tomorrow and now you have given me the inspiration! Ha Ha!
