Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone has a fabulous 4th of July!

We are starting our afternoon with a lemonade stand off of my parent's boat dock. My dad installed a water sprayer/fountain thingy off of his dock a few years ago. (Can you picture it based off of my detailed description?!)You would be surprised at how many boaters drive by the dock just to cool off under the sprayer.

We have always said when Jackson is a little older it would be the perfect spot for a lemonade stand. I think July 4th at the age of 2.5 is the perfect time! I am sure Garrett will do a wonderful job putting ice into the cups. (really, I do!) If you are going to be out on Cedar Creek Lake, swing on by!

Aaron, Jackson, Garrett, Aaron's brother Michael, and I are going over to Gilbert (Melvin's brother) and Josephine's lake house for their big firework show! Since the passing of Melvin, I worry the most about Aaron for this first round/year of holidays. I spent Mother's Day worrying about Father's Day. I spent my birthday (May 26th) worrying about Memorial Day. Now July 4th - we always saw Melvin on July 4th. He would come to my parent's house or we would go to Gilbert's, but we always saw him. Then I dread Aaron's birthday in February (which will be the big 30) because Melvin passed away a few days after Aaron's birthday. Our anniversary was our first day that I didn't worry about Aaron . It was our day.

So - my point....holidays worry me because I worry about Aaron, but Aaron has been great about expressing how he would like to spend these days. He said July 4th would not be any different than the past. He will either be working or on the lake with us and his brother.

Darrin, Gilbert's son, always puts on a huge firework show. This year Gilbert decided to make the show bigger by a couple of fireworks since we would be missing a couple of people (Melvin & Bud).

Now, on to the fun stuff....
What do we do for the holidays? We eat!!
What is my new fascination? Cake Balls!!
I decided to challenge myself a bit and make Cupcake Bites (<----click there to find out how)
Basically, you fill candy molds with melted chocolate and place cake balls on top of the molds. The mold actually looks like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, but it's not!
Did you know that cake balls at most bakeries in Dallas are selling from about $1.00 to $1.75 PER cake ball? Craziness.

Let me break it down by flavors for you -

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!


  1. The cakeballs look great! And...YUM!

  2. The cakeballs taste as good as they look. Fat free cake balls NOT.
    Kelli's Cakeball store coming soon near you.

  3. Those look very good and professionally made!! I think I need to hire you to make those for my rehearsal dinner dessert???!!!
