Monday, July 13, 2009


I have been debating with myself tonight about posting this blog or not. Hopefully it is not anything serious so I don't want to alarm anyone, but if we find out it is something serious, I feel like I won't want to blog all the details from the beginning after hearing bad news and I will have friends and family wondering "why didn't she say anything?" I am possibly doing myself a favor by posting details that we know as of today.

Aaron has been complaining about his hands a lot lately. They tingle, feel numb, hurt, etc. For a few weeks now, we just kind of blew it off because, honestly, he hardly ever has a day off of work, therefore who wants to go to the doctor on their day off work? We just blamed it on the fact that he uses his hands a lot at the railroad and working on sprinklers, so we were sure that when summer is over and his sprinkler business slows down, the issue would clear up on its own.

However, over the past week or so, it has become worse and worse. This morning he and I both got up around 7am. Aaron was quiet while we made the boys breakfast and I could tell something was bothering him. He said his hands and up to his elbows were numb and tingled. At 8am we called a general practice doctor and he was able to fit Aaron in this morning.

Here's where the details are kind of unknown to us. The doctor did several tests on Aaron's hands with some type of sharp rolling thing (I wasn't there so pardon my description). There were different places on Aaron's hands where he didn't feel the sharpness and other places where he could. He then checked out Aaron's neck, etc.

The doctor feels there is definitely something going on. Aaron is scheduled for an MRI Thursday morning and Nerve Condition Study Friday morning.

I am trying my best not to read too much about it on the Internet. It is so easy to think the worst. Being that the doctor believes something in the neck/head area is causing the problem with the nerve, is there something sitting on the nerve? What could be sitting there is our biggest fear and would be the worst news. Better, but still not good news, would be a pinched nerve, nerve damage, herniated spinal disk, etc....(trying not to search the Internet)

Like I said, it could be something minor that is nothing to worry about. From this moment until we have the results from the MRI, that's what I will tell myself. It's nothing. Hopefully that will be the case, but if not, I will live in my fantasy "it's nothing" world until the results tell us differently.

I'll keep you all posted.


  1. I will definitely be thinking of ya'll and keeping you in my prayers.

  2. You guys are in my prayers! Hopefully its just a pinched nerve and he needs to see a chiro! :)

  3. Thank you for letting us know. I will be thinking of him and your family! I will be praying for ya'll as well. Love you guys

  4. Don't keep things like this bottled up.This is one of the things friends and family are for! Prayer is powerful! Our family will be lifting your family up!

  5. Hopefully it is very common, like a pinched nerve or carpal tunnel...

  6. That poor boy works too hard! I'll keep him in my prayers and I am sure he will be just fine.
