Friday, June 12, 2009

What we didn't know.

Five years ago, Aaron and I walked down the aisle and made a commitment to love each other from that day forward, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as sorrow.

We never knew how much our life would change in the following five years.

We lost Aaron's Pappa shortly after becoming engaged, but we didn't know we would lose the remaining three grandfathers before our 5th wedding anniversary.

We didn't know we would discover becoming pregnant would be a difficult path, but would be blessed with two healthy baby boys before our 5th wedding anniversary.

We didn't know I would quit teaching, Aaron would work two jobs, so that I could stay home with our children.

We didn't know that Aaron's dad, one of the men who enjoyed our wedding the most and was the only guy that actually enjoyed watching our wedding video with me to its entirety, wouldn't be here to tell us congratulations today.

We didn't know each other like we thought we did, we didn't even know ourselves yet. We didn't know love like we thought we did.

Aaron and I have experienced those good and bad times like our vows warned us about and now I can honestly say I love my husband more today than I did on our wedding day.....and I thought I loved him then! I am who I am today because of my wonderful husband and the family we have created.
(Clip from the end of our wedding video)


  1. That was great, thank you for sharing!! Brought tears to my eyes!! A lot sure has happened in 5 years!! So amazing how God has bless you guys!! I love you!! Happy Anniversary again!! :)

  2. That was so sweet! Great post!

  3. OMG! The whole neighborhood over weeping over that wonderful video and introduction to it. Thank you so much for sharing this special occasion with us. We love you!!!

  4. Kelli,
    What a wonderful blog! It's hard to believe everything that has happened in your life in just the last 5 years. You were able to put it beautifully into words. I thank God for bringing you and Aaron together, & for blessing your lives with 2 such precious baby boys.

    Happy 5th Anniversary - Love to you all,

  5. Adam played that same song for me at my wedding. He knew how much I loved Keith Whitley.

  6. We need to have another wedding video watching party! I agree totally with the part where you said you did not know each other- we barely knew ourselves. VERY VERY TRUE for us too! Congrats!

  7. I started to cry and I wasn't even there!! Ugh!! Stupid weddings ALWAYS making me cry!! :)
