Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Morning...

We went to church with Randy and Dianne Sunday morning at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall. Aaron and I were both really pleased with the church. The service was wonderful. The Pastor does such a good job relating the message to your own life, which is what is important for me. I wasn't lost, I wasn't confused, I knew exactly what he was talking about, and Aaron and I left with a positive message to apply to our own life.

This was both Jackson and Garrett's first time to EVER go to child care. I LOVE their whole system. It is extremely secure which I found very comforting. Very hi-tech with parent pagers and all.

We took Garrett to his room first. I was holding Garrett, one of the teachers put out his hands for Garrett to come to him, and Garrett just went to him without any problems. I don't even think Garrett looked back.

Next we took Jackson to his room. Jackson in his "I'm such a big boy with my cool backpack on" mood, went right to his teacher as well. From being a "retired :)" teacher, I know it is worse on the child when the parent hangs around. I always wanted to tell parents, "JUST GO!!!! You're making it harder on the child!!" However, I knew Jackson couldn't see me so after he walked away I watch him for probably .025 seconds before I walked away due to Aaron, Randy, and Dianne laughing at me. wasn't long!!!! He was just so confident like he had done it before. He looked like he was in Kindergarten.

When it was time to pick them up (after we did the neat check out system!) we picked up Jackson first. He was a happy boy and had on a police badge sticker, which we still don't know why he was the only one with this on. We have asked him, but no answer. Aaron and I asked him 1,000 questions about what all he did, but he didn't tell us much other than he had fun and "I want to go again!"

When we went to pick up Garrett, we spotted him before he spotted us. He was perfectly content. He was being rocked with one other baby, very calm. Then he spotted me and the bottom lip came out. He lost it....started crying....real tears, snot and all. I guess seeing me, made him remember that I left him there. Sweet baby.
They said he was happy and great the whole time! He even had a little sticker on his diaper that said "Changed with Care." Isn't that cute?!

We had a great experience and hope to go back soon....hopefully next Sunday!


  1. That is so good that the boys did so well. Glad yall had such a good experience and makes you want to go back!! That is wonderful! :)

  2. Yay for fun at church! Was Steve speaking on Sunday? My parents go to Lake Pointe in Mesquite, and we did for a while before we found a closer church (Watermark), and I really liked Steve Stroope. Funny thing, his brother, Gary, works at our church so it seems like we still see a little of "Steve" in him every once in a while :)

  3. That's where we've been going since January. We really like it. It was hard to get used to the large amount of people and the music(being that I used to attend a small Church of Christ), but overall we really like it. Which service did y'all attend?
