Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Introducing Payton!

Little Miss Payton made her grand entrance into the world today. Kristin was scheduled to be induced today, so at 6:45am, they started her on pitocin. Kristin started at a 1 and a half and by 4pm was only at a 2. She was having major contractions, but just not dilating. So, at 4pm they decided to have a c-section.

Payton is absolutely perfect! My camera battery died on me (What kind of friend doesn't charge their camera the night before her BFF has a baby?!) so, I helped Marla capture some pictures on her camera. You can view her blog: Our Family to see a lot more pictures.

I am so happy for Kristin. Seeing her while she was in labor today and seeing her with Payton just makes me so excited, emotional, and happy. Kristin and I have been friends since we were in 2nd grade. We grew up together and experienced a lot of things together. Driving to the hospital this morning, I just kept thinking how crazy it is that we will both be mothers. Being a mother is the greatest thing I have EVER experienced. It's truly amazing. It just makes me so happy that Kristin gets to experience it and have that bond with her daughter. She is going to love every minute and be a wonderful mommy!


  1. Kelli, what a wonderful thing it is that ya'll are still friends after all these years. It's funny you should say that about what you were thinking while driving to the hospital...When we left the hospital all I could think about was you two many years ago as friends and picking ya'll up, taking Kristin to your house, vice-versa over the years. I thought about when you and your Mom were in a car accident one time and how Kristin was so upset and worried, how old were ya'll then. I have been blessed with some close friends I've had for many years as well and I'm so happy that Kristin and Marla have their close friends they have kept too! I have been so blessed to have my brother's children in my life as well as their friends. Enjoy so much reading about ya'll's families and how you all have evolved. Thanks for being there all these times for her, glad that ya'lls children will know one another and have a chance to be together. What beautiful kids you all have. Sorry to have gone off on such a tangent but it was truly emotional for this old Aunt "B".

  2. Congrats Kristin! She's a pretty baby!!! Hey, Kelli.....I thought being a sister was the best thing that you EVER experienced?

  3. Awww... So sweet! I can't wait! Maybe this time next year!!
