Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break Thursday of Last Year.

Last year, I left work on the Friday before Spring Break thinking, hoping, and wishing it would be my last day to work and I would give birth to Garrett over Spring Break. My due date wasn't until April 5th (I think...), but I knew Garrett would likely arrive early like Jackson. Not to mention that the night before, a parent at open house said to me, "Oh!!! Twins, huh?", just one, thanks! Everyone knew I was going to pop any second.

Spring Break came and was going.....and going....and going. No Garrett. I remember thinking that there was NO way I could even waddle my way back up to work that next Monday morning. My biggest fear was that my water would break while I was teaching. Then, Thursday of my Spring Break (which was March 20th last year) around noon I felt a little something. Thinking it was only my imagination, I ignored it. Then after feeling a few more little feelings, I started writing down the time in between. Sure enough, there was a pattern, and I was in labor.

Jackson and I were home alone, but I remember calling Aaron and saying, "I'm in labor...but just take your time. Don't come home. Just get here when you can." I called my mom who actually had a massage appointment scheduled. I told her not to cancel it, I'm good. She refused to keep her appointment, so I sent her to North Park to pick me up some last minute things. I called my Dad and warned him that I am fine, but Mom and Aaron were both in the Dallas area and he was the closest one to keep your phone on.

Of course Aaron came home fast, my parents came over, and we waited.....and waited....
I never posted these pictures of me back then because....well, I am sure you can see why I decided not to. Wow. I remember us figuring out what we were going to do for dinner that night. Everyone thought I wouldn't want to eat, but I did. I wanted a grilled chicken sandwich with honey mustard dressing. My parents and Aaron tried to convince me that eating probably wouldn't be the best decision considering I was in labor, but I ignored them! I was hungry! Now looking at this, I see why they didn't want me to eat that. I bet if I had said I wanted a salad they would have been okay with that. Moooooooooo!!!! haha!

Our original "plan" was that Jackson would go to the hospital with Aaron and I. We were a family....he was going to be a part of it....blaw blaw blaw. (I laugh at birth plans too....) It was getting later and later. My contractions were getting closer and longer, but I still had a little while longer before going to the hospital. We thought it would be best if my parents took Jackson to their house so that he could sleep and after we were checked into the hospital (whenever that may be...) we would call and they would head that way.

This was my first night for Jackson to EVER spend a night away from me. EVER. And just a suggestion to others, I don't suggest the first night to be away from your first born be the night you are in labor. It's not the best combo!

I cried when they left. No, not like a baby, but it just made me so sad. I felt like such a bad person. How could I do this to Jackson when he is only 17 months? I just send him off with my parents while Aaron and I go and have this new, other baby.....what kind of people are we!? Horrible people! Just horrible! :)
I mean, how many of those sandwiches did I eat?!?! Yikes.

So....that sums up what we were doing this Thursday of last year. We left for the hospital around 2:00am, but let our parents get a good night sleep before calling them to come. (I am sure they would disagree on it being good night sleep...our moms anyway) It is beyond insane that it has been a whole year. Time really does fly.


  1. Ah the memories! I enjoyed reading your story! It is hard to believe it has been a year already! And Jackson looked so cute...he still kind of had a baby face then.

  2. Jackson did still look like a baby.. ( i know he was... just hard to believe how much he has grown up) Thanks for sharing those pictures and your story, it was great!

  3. Poor Little G! You didn't even rush to the hospital with him, you let him eat things before he is supposed to AND you turned his car seat around. That's just wrong. I think it's called the 2nd child syndrome, you may want to ask Mom about that, I'm SURE she can tell you some stories. :-)

  4. My Dear Sister -
    Ha! What about 2nd nephew syndrome....why wasn't your name mentioned in this all??? OH YEAH....weren't you on vacation and didn't get tot he hospital until AFTER Garrett was born? :)

    And for you and I - clearly you are still suffering from me being the favorite!! hahaha!

  5. Such sweet memories. I can't believe Garrett is already turning 1. The year has flown by so fast! He's such a sweet, happy baby with the best attitude in the world. I know he and Jackson are going to give you a run for your money in the coming years, but I'm sure you can handle it, and when you can't, Aaron can!
    Love You All,

  6. If you sister's don't get along I WILL take both of y'all's American Express cards away.

  7. Wow...Dad got a little crazy with the apostrophes!! Mom must have not seen that!

    And about the American Express - can I have mine back or better yet, can Jackson & Garrett have one?

  8. I'm sure he's talking to you Kelli since you still have yours!!! And thanks Dad for reminding me of the biggest mistake of my life. I could mean that in two ways.....

  9. Do I sense some sibling tension?!? Haha! What does FOB mean anyway? Kelli - those pics are so funny! You are less than half that now! hahaha! That gives me hope! I feel huge and I cant imagine getting bigger!!!! Ugh!
