Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ch. 4 - Good Day!

It's that time again! Set your DVR because Garrett's picture should be on Channel 4 Friday morning. Even though Aaron is upset with Good Day since his pretend girlfriend Megan Henderson left the show, he decided to suck it up for the sake of Garrett!

Also, I will go ahead and take full blame if for some reason Garrett's picture is not aired. It says to submit the picture one week before the birthday. I was one day late, but maybe they will realize that his cute little picture will result in good ratings and bend the rules just a tad.

Set your DVR for Friday! I think they do birthdays around 8:15ish....


  1. Oh no, with the flood I'm not sure if we'll have the DVR hooked back up by Friday. I'll be sick if I can't record Garrett's big debut. I know Dad will figure out a way.

  2. 3/4 of the house is all torn up. I have workmen coming and going some how dear young DAD has the DVR hooked back up before Friday. If BamBam ain't happy no one is happy. Wait until she finds out about the rest of the damage from the flood. Jackson and Garrett
    PawPaw is coming to live with you for 3 weeks.

  3. Why does it have to be dear YOUNG dad?? Oh yeah, I better be nice to Dad, he did me a favor. Bam Bam is coming to live with Aunt M so she will be close to the winery @ Firewheel. :-)
