Friday, December 26, 2008

We Survived!

We survived Christmas and it was wonderful. This year we changed up our schedule a little. Aaron and I felt that now that Jackson is old enough to start understanding about "Santa," we thought it was important for our family to be home Christmas morning. We also wanted to SLOW DOWN this year and try to limit the amount of places that we had to go for the sake of the boys. This year turned out great and hopefully this will start our new tradition.

We spent all of Christmas Eve with Aaron's side of the family. We had lunch, went to Church, had dinner, and opened presents. The Church service was beautiful and the boys did well. Garrett was tired when we arrived, but ended up falling asleep in my arms. Jackson really enjoyed it and even sang along at one point....and continued after the music had stopped.
Christmas morning we were at home. The boys opened their presents from Santa, we relaxed so that they could play with their new things, and then later that day we headed to my parent's house for our Christmas with them.

Here are all of the pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day -

Christmas Eve -

G-Mom reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
Chocolate Fondue!

Notice all of the action in the background. This family is good at reproducing! Every Christmas there is another grandchild.

Christmas morning at home -

Jackson got a new cleaning trolley. I can't take out our mop, broom, windex, etc. without Jackson wanting to take it from me, so I decided he needed his own set.

Jackson performing in a concert -

Christmas at my parent's house -

Garrett was more interested in eating than he was opening presents -

This is what my sister and I had made for my parents -

Here we are playing a singing XBOX game. Apparently, I am a pretty good singer.....I am sure most of you already knew this though....HAHAHA! I practically beat everyone. (which really means that people in my family sing even worse than myself!)

Aaron on the other hand, thinks he is a rock star....

The next day -


  1. Looks like ya'll had a very merry Christmas! I love the cleaning trolley and the microphone. He looks like he's really belting it out!! How fun!

  2. Man, I have to say the picture of you singing is the BEST!! Brings back so many memories of when we were kids and you would get so into singing and some REBA at that!! All the pictures are good! Jackson looks like he is really cleaning your house good!! :)

  3. Your boys are growing up! You know with a Mom that sings as good as you and a Dad that thinks he is a ROCK star- Jackson might be the next Justin Timberlake. Jackson Jordan sure sounds like a cool guy to me!

  4. Love the pics !! ;o) The monkey chair is so cute.. is that new??? I would love to photograph that.. its precious!

    I cant stop laughing at the singing pictures...hahahaha... Im trying to picture bob doing that... and um.. I cant! hahahah!
