Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mr. Funny Man

(Please note that the hat was Jackson's idea. The hat was on the hanger with this outfit and Jackson insisted that Garrett wear it. Jackson has a love for hats, as you may remember from previous blogs. I don't normally put hats on Garrett due to the fact I don't want it to rub off the little hair that he has)

Without us realizing it, Garrett has learned when it is time to celebrate. He now gets into the crawling position, starts rocking back and forth, but just when we think he is about to take off, he sits back up, starts clapping, and then puts his hands in the air like the picture shown above. I know we always clap for him when he is trying to crawl, but I don't recall the hands in the air. He created that. We do that when we play Pat-a-cake, but that's about it. It is really funny though. He gets so happy for himself.

And.....I read in one of my books that most babies crawl between 7 and 10 months, so I am a little "unstressed" about the crawling situation. However, I will not be okay if he starts pulling up before crawling. That is going out of order and my check list is not okay with that.

Off to bed....tomorrow starts my sister's wedding weekend! Hopefully Jackson will make it down the aisle with the pillow....


  1. That is a cute picture of Garrett!! And he will crawl when he is ready!! :)

  2. Parker started pulling up 2 weeks before she started crawling. By the time they start walking around for a start to think...I guess it doesn't really matter how they got here..right?? But I is out of order....

  3. Correction- I was just looking back through my blog and realized that Parker started pulling up SIX weeks before she started crawling!! I guess she has kind of done some things backwards as well!
