Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The reason why Santa is bringing Jackson a Microphone for Christmas...

Aaron and I are loud people. We have 2 young children who create loud noises. We have a yappy dog. The last thing we need to add to our house is a microphone, right? Watch the videos below to see why Jackson will be getting a microphone from Santa for Christmas... (If he is a good boy, of course....) case you are wondering, he has a "boo-boo" on his face. He fell down.

He is yelling, I mean singing "My Hallelujah Song" if you can't tell what he is trying to say/scream/sing/yell.

I just came across this video and I am CRACKING UP LAUGHING! I didn't know he had my camera, but this is the reason why he will be getting a "kids digital camera" for Christmas too. Here is what he is saying in case you can't understand: "Turn on....hmmmmmmmm....turn on."

This video was taken last week when the Country Music Awards were on TV. It was right before bed and I was feeding Garrett, so our living room is kind of dark. If you can't tell, he is using the baseball bat for his microphone again. This time though he uses his harmonica as well.

Here are some pictures of my little toothless cutie pie! He is almost 8 months and hasn't got his first tooth. At 9 months, our doctor tells us to let him have the things we eat (minus the things babies can't eat until they are older: nuts, honey, cows milk, chocolate, shell fish, berries, eggs, etc.) and to stop letting him have baby food. This is going to be a challenge with no teeth!


  1. Love the videos!! Sounds like Garrett was singing with him a couple of times!! Parker was very interested in watching Jackson sing....

  2. That is really funny! You know, a lot of stars started singing when they were babies. We shall see! I hope he makes enough $$$ so his Aunt doesn't have to work her whole life. :-) Of course, my bro-in-law and I will argue over what type of music he will sing.
