Sunday, November 16, 2008

My sister is getting married....very soon!

Here are some pictures from my sister and Ricky's wedding shower -
And just for the record.....they are having a VERY SMALL wedding, so don't be offended if you didn't get an invitation. I am glad we made the cut. :)

Sis and Ricky

My sister and I

Who knows?! Just being was a fun night!

Aaron and I

Me, Sis, and Mom
My sister and Aaron. Aaron always loves it when she does this...can't you see the excitement in his face. haha.
Me, Heather (she's pregnant!), Timisha, and my sister. The three of them are childhood friends and I was "the little sister..." So, when we took this picture I said, "Awwww, I get to be in a picture with y'all. I never got to do this when we were young." :)
The Shower Hosts

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