Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lots of Pictures!

Jackson was so kind to give up his booster seat for his brother. :) We have a real high chair for Garrett, but honestly I am so ready to get all of the big baby items (swing, high chair, jumper, etc.) out of our house and I think the booster seat is all Garrett needs. I remember being so excited when we were able to pack up the baby things when Jackson out grew them, but we all know it all didn't get to stay packed up very long. Heck, all of it didn't even have time to collect dust.
We had a little picnic in our backyard the other day....

All was well until Garrett sneezed with a mouth full of prunes. Jackson decided to move his picnic over to the slide....

Daddy and his boys....
No, they don't all sleep in our bed! (Well, Aaron does...) This was taken after their nap. Aaron was taking a nap too, so when Jackson and Garrett woke up I let them wake up Aaron because it was time to get ready for Halloween!!

Jackson getting his "Tony face" on....
Grandad and G-Mom stopped by on Halloween to see the boys....
The picture below is of Aaron and his "best friend." This neighborhood kid always comes by. It never fails - Aaron will be home from work one night, it will be just the 4 of us out on the swing set playing, and we hear "Hey, remember me?!?!" "Yes.....Cory, we remember you." He is the kid that stays, and stays, and stays.....and talks, and talks, and talks. I just tune him out like I would do to my students every now and then, but I can always tell Aaron is going insane on the inside. Can't you see the enjoyment in Aaron's face in the picture below....
I think Randy is enjoying Cory's company too. haha.

Jackson and his Uncle Michael

Trick or Treat Time! Check out Jackson's "Tony Romo finger!"

If you think you have seen Garrett's costume're crazy. ;)

This is an example of why Jackson has been getting frustrated with Garrett -

Checking out his goodies....

I have been trying to keep the boys up a little later each night to prepare for the time change, but Garrett hasn't been able to make it. He doesn't like when you interfere with his sleep.

"Uncle Ickeal" was about to leave, which made Jackson upset. We told Jackson that Michael had to go home and go night night, so Jackson read him a night night book. I am sure Michael understood every word!

This morning we had to take Garrett to the doctor for the 2nd round of his flu shot. As I have said in the past, Garrett doesn't do well with shots. He normally cries when they rub the alcohol on his leg. However, today he handled it like a champ! They gave him the shot, we could see in his face that he wanted to cry, but was holding it back. Then, the bottom lip came out, he cried for about 5 seconds, and was done! Very easy!! The pictures below are of Garrett and Jackson looking at the fish in the waiting room before we went in.

And we have lift off.............

Garrett is not crawling yet, but he is getting ready! Jackson better enjoy these last few weeks, because once Garrett starts crawling, Jackson will not know what to do. Notice the sippy cup in the picture? We had to give Garrett his own sippy cup with water because Garrett literally pulled Jackson down by his shirt to grab Jackson's cup from him. I didn't plan on introducing the sippy cup until Garrett was 9 months, but maybe we will have to start a little early.


  1. Kelli, I love all of the pictures. Jackson was so cute as Tony Romo, and look at Garrett in the 2nd picture of him with Randy. I think he's getting to be quite the little camera ham!! Precious!

  2. Great pictures!! Maybe we can have a picnic when I come over this week! :) Since I am Jackson's best friend! haha
