Friday, November 28, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

It feels like Christmas at our house! We put our Christmas tree and decorations up the day before Thanksgiving and the house lights will be going up one day soon....

Today, I have several packages arriving and I LOVE it! I feel like a kid. Aaron and I bought ourselves a new, fancy Nikon D40 Camera for our Christmas gift to each other. We hate the camera we have now. Our old camera will still be the "throw in the diaper bag and go" camera, but we wanted a good camera to be able to take nice pictures of the boys. The camera was just delivered (I had to sign for it....that's when you know you got something good!) and it is now charging. So....give me time to play with it and then I will be posting pictures soon. Forgive me though, I am sure it will take time for me to learn how to use it (PROPERLY) so don't judge the pictures too critically yet! :)

More packages show to be arriving today as well....lots of gifts that I ordered for the boys (Santa asked me to store them at our house. The North Pole is running out of room, so I told him it wouldn't be a problem to keep them here, and then Christmas Eve he can place them under the tree) When the boys go down for their nap, I am going to play Christmas music and start wrapping presents. I love it!!

Are you surprised I am not out finding bargains at the "Day After Thanksgiving Sales"? I just can't do it. I have been obsessed with great deals lately, but I just can't bring myself to fight the crowds today. It's not worth it to me. Crowds stress me out and make me extremely grumpy (Aaron and my mom could tell you that...)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure enjoyed ours! We had lunch at Aaron's parent's house and dinner at my parent's house. My mom and my mother-in-law are both fabulous cooks, so today...well....I really shouldn't eat much. I feel like I have enough calories stored in my tummy from those meals to get me through the rest of the year....haha. Awww, how I miss being pregnant during the holidays. We really enjoyed spending time with our families. I know at Thanksgiving everyone says that they are thankful for their families (which they probably are) but Aaron and I really do both come from great, loving families. I think now that we have our little family of 4, family means more to us than ever before. I am just happy that Aaron and I are both as close to our families as we are and we are able to raise Jackson and Garrett around good, loving, caring people.

Okay...I will stop being sentimental now and go check to see if the battery is charged yet on the camera. Fa la la, la la la!

1 comment:

  1. Better not get so good on the camera you dont need me anymore! What would we do without Mister Jackson gracing our walls???
