Thursday, October 2, 2008

Howdy Folks!

Aaron was off of work today, so we spent the day at the fair with my parents and sister....

He loved Big Tex!

The kids circus was fun for about 5 minutes, unfortunately that was the 5 minutes before the show started. We decided it was time to leave when only my dad was enjoying it. :)
I think Garrett's mouth is open in every picture I take up him lately. I promise he closes it every now and then, he's just happy!
They have a little kids area, so Jackson got to ride some of the kiddie rides that he was tall enough for. He liked the bumper cars, but he drives similar to his dad. He wasn't the best at it.
He enjoyed the swings! Notice how he is looking at us out of the corner of his eye. He was a little unsure if it would be safe to turn his head to look at us.

My sister....she is not very tall. She hasn't grown since the 6th grade. After this picture was taken, we actually took her to the exhibit with the miniature horse. We thought people would pay coupons to see her. haha, just kidding!

Are you all watching the debate? I got my voters registration card in the mail the other day. I was so excited when I registered to vote. I thought I finally knew enough about politics to vote. But now after watching the debates and the women fighting on The View, I don't know what the heck I am going to do. I think this is a very important election and now that I have kids I feel like I need to step up and vote, but the issues and debates go so deep I get lost. I want to see a basic t-chart comparing the facts. Yes, I admit - I am somewhat of an idiot when it comes to politics, but I am sure a lot of the people that vote don't completely understand it all and that is what scares me. It is easy for me to back out and say I just won't vote, but I really feel like I need to. I am a voting virgin, so I am a little nervous about making my first move! Any suggestions? Good websites? Big, basic facts about the 2? Anyone want to tell me why you are voting for one over the other? I need some guidance!!


  1. Love the pic's. Had almost a great time at the fair until you made Jackson and me leave the backyard circus. Love the shout out on your sister about taking her to see the miniature horse. Both boys did really good at the fair.

  2. $#&(*)(!@&!!!! That's what I have to say about THAT! I wish I could say that I read this last night or that I watched the whole debate but for some reason Aunt M was soooo tired that she got in bed at 8:45 last night. Thanks for the birth control. For the record - I would have had a line of people waiting to see me. Don't be jealous.

  3. I dont think we'll ever know what we are "Voting for". We cant possibly understand all the issues, becasue they DONT talk about them. They mention all these things that went on like people who went to some party we werent invited to! How could we keep up on the gossip when we didtn even go? Plus, it really doesnt matter what we vote for... The Congress is really in charge, and the "way things have always been done" . So Both parties will just say what they WANT to.. but nothing will happen. Change in Government takes LOTS longer than 4 years. So if you dont vote him back in again next time, all is lost and new crap gets promised! Its a big mess!

    In any case... I AM TERRIFIED TO VOTE FOR EITHER OF THEM. I want another choice. SOB!

  4. I'm sad. I didn't get to go to the fair.
    About voting .... why are they focusing on McCain's age? Do you know that Obama still smokes and that his parents died at a very early age? Talk about genes! Read this in Snopes.

  5. Will you email me some of the pics from the fair? I tried to save them from the blog but it won't let me. Send them to my yahoo please. If you do, I will let you come to my exhibit for free!
