Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have never been a coupon type of girl. Who has time for that?! Well....a few weeks ago I saw a lady on Oprah that uses coupons and it made me realize how much money you could save. Brookshires has been having this thing called "GasMoney." (I think that's what it is called) For every $10 you spend on Brookshires name brand products, you get a $1 coupon for gas or groceries. Today, Aaron and I were at the store and I made sure we bought whatever we could buy that was "Brookshires Brand." I wanted to see how much free gas/groceries we could get. It really became fun...........well, fun for me......Aaron could have cared less. We ended up getting $5 in free gas. I know that is not a whole lot, but five dollars is five dollars. Plus, I do the Pampers Points on (for those who know what I am talking about) and I used my points for a free jumbo pack of diapers! To sum that up.....we walked away with $5 AND a jumbo pack of diapers. Impressive huh?!

So, this made me realize how fun it is to save money, yet still buy what you need. If I had so much fun with this, imagine how much fun I could have with cutting coupons. Aaron's job is to make the money and my job is to budget the money, right?! So this is part of my job description. :)

Now, I am still new to this coupon thing so I need some advice. How do I go about getting all the coupons? We only have Wal-Mart and Brookshires where we live. I went to and found several for items we normally buy. It is is like printing off free money!!!! :)
Yeah, I know....I'm a dork!


  1. Having a limited shopping pool is going to make it harder; my sister used to do that and end up with all her groceries for a week for around $15. (family of 5) BUT... you have to be able to go to different stores and places. If its too far, that wont work!
    But if you have the time, there is a way!!

  2. Your not a dork! I think that is great! And your right 5 bucks is 5 bucks!! :)

  3. The Sunday paper has coupons that can be used anywhere.

  4. Hey girl! It is great to read your blog! I saw the coupon mom too and it is amazing what you can save!

  5. I tried the whole coupon cutting thing for a while, (and I still do most of the time) and I would do well sometimes...saving $13.00 here and there, which I thought was great! But then some weeks the coupons they put in the paper just weren't the things that I needed! But yes- I have seen and heard of those coupon moms and I commend them...but I just can't really figure out how they get $100 worth of groceries for $5.00! It's amazing!

  6. have you ever looked at It has coupon codes for online shopping - I use it all the time! Its great, it has every store on there. Also, I am still a big Costco lover...Carissa joined the other day and got $100 worth of Starbucks gift cards for $78!!
