Thursday, August 28, 2008

Story Time

The boys and I met my mom at story time today at Border's. When my mom use to keep Jackson, she would often take him to story time, so I thought it would be something nice to continue. Jackson really enjoys it!
Today the Tooth Fairy was there. She gave a lesson about how to take care of your teeth, read a story, and then the kids got to practice brushing a stuffed animal's teeth with a big tooth brush. Afterwards, the kids got milk, cookies, and a coloring sheet. Jackson really enjoyed it and did a great job! I love that I am home now and able to enjoy these types of activities with the boys! It is so much fun!

Waiting for his turn to practice brushing....

Showing Garrett his sticker from the Tooth Fairy....

Back at home -

Video -


  1. Love the sweet pictures of the boys and the video!

  2. They are sweet little boys - they really are! Love all the pictures.

  3. That video is my all time favorite. Hey....remember when you used to blog????

  4. I sure miss your blogs!!
